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We focus on continuous quality improvement to provide patients a safe environment to recieve highest quality care


Our Services


If you are missing most or all of your teeth, dentures can restore your smile. Advancement in dental technology have resulted in dentures that function better, and look more natural, than ever before. The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetic Center specializes in restoring patients smiles, rejuvenating their oral health, and enhancing their appearance using a range of restorative services. What are My Options? • Full dentures are used to treat patients that are missing all of their teeth. These dentures can be easily removed for sleeping and cleaning. If extractions are necessary, full dentures can be placed immediately afterward, or fitted shortly after healing is complete. • Partial dentures, also known as bridges, are used when a patient has several healthy teeth remaining. • Implant-supported dentures attach to Dental Implants, which are titanium posts surgically implanted into the jaw bone. This type of denture offers the best stability, allowing you to bite into foods like apples and steaks with no risk of dentures slipping out of place. Once you decide which type of denture is best for you, an impressions of your bite will be used to create your custom dentures. Over time, you may require adjustments to your dentures to achieve a proper fit. Our Doctors can make these adjustments to ensure that your dentures are comfortable, feel natural, and provide functionality. Improved Oral Health & Aesthetic Benefits The benefits of dentures can be both restorative and cosmetic. A compromised smile cannot properly chew, which can limit a patients diet and adversely affect their nutrition. Missing teeth can also disrupt the balance of the bite, which can result in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, a condition in which excessive strain on the jaw causes facial pain, headaches etc. Missing teeth can also cause the facial profile to collapse, leading to sunken cheeks and puckered lips. Dentures help patients to maintain facial volume and a normal appearance.


Do you have multiple decayed, fractured, or missing teeth? We can help! At The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetic Center at Maradu , Ernakulam , Our experienced team of dentists provides full mouth rehabilitation to improve function and restore your smile. What Does It Involve? The main goal of full mouth rehabilitation is to improve your facial appearance and increase chewing efficiency and function. It involves treating your whole mouth, including treating gum disease, repairing broken or fractured teeth, replacing missing teeth with bridges, crowns, dental implants, and much more. A full-mouth rehabilitation plan for you will differ depending on the procedures and treatment you need. The first step is to book a consultation with one of our dentists near you. At The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetic Center at Maradu , Ernakulam , We will perform a comprehensive examination of all your teeth for decay, appearance, and function. X-rays to check in-between the teeth areas and surrounding structures such as bone and other diagnostic procedures such as gum health status and impressions of your teeth may also be needed. We will perform a complete in-depth examination of your teeth, jaw, and other facial features to formulate a customized treatment plan. Our experienced team of dentists will use a combination of procedures to restore your beautiful smile. Is Full Mouth Rehabilitation Right for Me? If you have decayed, fractured, or missing teeth, full mouth rehabilitation might be right for you. Full mouth rehabilitation is used to correct many problems such as: • Fractured or chipped teeth • Replace missing teeth • Restore gum health • Restore esthetics and function • Talk to one of our dentists at The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetic Center at Maradu , Ernakulam to find out how we can help. Benefits of Full Mouth Rehabilitation • Improved chewing and biting ability • Improvement in speech • Improved esthetics and appearance • Boosts social confidence


When was the last time you took your child to a pediatric dentist in Ernakulam ? It is recommended to visit a pediatric dentist every six months, starting from the child’s first birthday because routine visits will help instill good dental hygiene practices in your child that lasts a lifetime. Parents and children are more than welcome to Dr. Farheen Rashik’s The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetics Center , and experience our fun, hospitable, colourful and child-friendly environment.We are specialists in state-of-the-art paediatric dentistry. Our highly skilled specialist dentists in Ernakulam come with extensive dental experience, and have transformed the smiles and life-long oral hygiene of a multitude of children. Care, compassion and individualized care form the essence of our philosophy. Dr. Farheen Rashik’s The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetics Center is the best dental clinic for kids, designed and dedicated to providing premier oral healthcare to infants, children, and adolescents. Comprehensive dental care for children • Examination, Cleaning & Flouride treatment • Orthodontic treatments • Space maintainers • Dental emergencies • Tooth decay prevention


What Are Dental Crowns? This is one of the most common questions people have about crowns and bridges: what exactly are they? Dental crowns can add aesthetic value to your teeth as well as serving a functional purpose of keeping dental bridges and dentures in place. AT THE LIFE ROOTS DENTAL AND FACIAL AESTHETICS CENTER, WE ARE HAPPY TO OFFER YOU THE BEST CROWNS, BRIDGES, AND IMPLANT CROWNS. Think of dental crowns as a sort of cap. The same way you would cap a bottle or jar, you're placing a cap over your teeth. This can also help prevent bacteria build up inside your tooth if you have exposed fillings or decaying teeth. Dental crowns are often made of porcelain or ceramic to mimic the texture and color of natural teeth. What Are Dental Bridges? Dental bridges may be recommended if you are missing more than one tooth. If this is not corrected, it could cause teeth to shift and rotate, leaving you with crooked teeth which can be painful and eventually develop into gum disease. Dental bridges are similar to dentures except they are crafted, tooth-by-tooth, for your mouth. They can be made out of porcelain or ceramic to mimic the natural texture and colour of a real tooth. Dental bridges are held in place by crowns. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO DENTAL CROWNS AND BRIDGES? Dental crowns and bridges can help restore your teeth to their former beauty, making your smile look bright and full again. If you've recently had a root filling and it is exposed, then dental crowns are the perfect solution to cover these fillings. Dental crowns are also a perfect solution if your fillings are discolored from everyday stains and wear. Dental crowns also help with decayed and misaligned teeth, creating a more even look and feel. Your teeth will not only be beautiful but also less prone to bad bacteria buildup caused by crooked teeth.


The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetic Center in Maradu , Ernakulam is the top choice for Porcelain Veneers - whether you want to design the smile of your dreams or just need to address issues with a tooth or two! Veneers help to create beautifully aligned and nicely shaped teeth with just a couple of dental appointments. The end-result is a clean and bright smile transformation that leaves you with beautiful and strong teeth that can help you avoid a more extensive restoration processes down the road. You can pick the color, the shape of the teeth and the design of your new smile! What is a Porcelain Veneer? A veneer is a super thin shell of porcelain (only as thick as a contact lens) that is placed over the existing tooth. Veneers are a conservative way to change the teeth. A veneer differs from a crown, which is often used when a tooth is severely decayed or broken and the dentist must extensively treat the tooth before receiving a crown. With veneers, the dentist removes only a small amount of the natural tooth or slightly reshapes the tooth to prepare it to receive the veneer. A porcelain veneer is extremely strong and very stain resistant. The Life Roots Dental & Facial Aesthetic Center is Maradu , Ernakulam uses the most advanced dental materials and bonding techniques resulting in an extremely strong restoration, leaving your teeth looking and feeling like a cleaner and brighter version of your natural teeth. You and your dentist may choose to correct a single damaged tooth, multiple teeth in the smile zone, or a complete redesign of your entire smile.


Save your tooth and restore normal function with our rest root canal treatment in Ernakulam from THE LIFE ROOTS. This treatment involves removing diseased pulp and the tooth’s nerve within the root canal. The pulp chamber and root canal are then cleaned out, medicated and sealed. In many cases, a dental crown is needed to restore the decayed portion of your tooth. Other restorative treatments may be used to protect and strengthen your tooth. Root canal therapy is needed to save a decayed, cracked or severely injured tooth when the pulp (the soft inner tissue in the root canal) is inflamed or infected. Excessive pain or an abscess can occur if not treated promptly. THE LIFE ROOTS can complete root canal therapy in 1 or 2 visits depending on your unique situation. Once we’ve completed the restoration, your tooth will function like normal. If you maintain proper oral hygiene, your restored tooth can last a lifetime.


BEST TEETH WHITENING CLINIC IN KOCHI Teeth whitening will revitalize your smile in less than an hour. If you live in Ernakulam and would like your teeth whitened and brightened, contact our dental clinic The Life Roots in Maradu to schedule an appointment for professional teeth whitening. Unlike DIY (do it yourself) teeth whitening performed at-home, professional teeth whitening performed at our dental clinic does not pose the threat of bleaching agents moving to your gums, tongue or the cheeks of your mouth. We take all the necessary precautions to ensure only your teeth are contacted by the whitening material. The dentist starts out by recording the shade of your teeth. The teeth are subsequently polished with a grainy material known as pumice. Pumice removes plaque along the surface of the teeth. The teeth are then coated with the whitening solution along the front surface. A specialized curing laser or curing light will be used to activate the bleaching agent known as hydrogen peroxide. The solution remains on the teeth for about half an hour, ultimately whitening and brightening your teeth so your smile looks like it did when you were decades younger. Once the perfect shade is achieved, the teeth will be rinsed and a fluoride application will be added to minimize tooth sensitivity. The end result is a beautiful smile that you are proud to show off to family, friends, coworkers and everyone else you socialize with.


There will come a point in time when you suffer tooth decay that necessitates drilling and a subsequent filling. However, a silver or amalgam filling will not suffice. You need a composite filling that looks like a normal tooth and also provides flawless functionality in terms of chewing. Call The Life Roots Dental and Facial Aesthetics Center in maradu to schedule an appointment with the best dentist in ernakulam, where our dentist will review your teeth for decay and determine if you need a composite filling. Composite fillings are used to fill spaces where cavities were drilled and also for a number of additional purposes. If your tooth is cracked, chipped, fractured, decayed, worn or broken, composite filling will be necessary. Composite filling is also used to close the space between teeth. The placement of composite requires a numbing of the teeth. The dentist eliminates the decayed portion of the tooth with a drill. This open space is then cleaned and prepared for the addition of a new composite filling. The filling is put into position and polished so the tooth is fully restored in terms of aesthetics and functionality.


If you have considered seeking treatment to straighten your teeth, but feel reluctant to wear traditional metal braces, we offer a discreet and equally effective alternative. For our patients interested in realigning their teeth using a simple and virtually invisible orthodontic treatment, Our clinic offers Invisalign. Find out how Invisalign can help you achieve the straight, symmetrical smile you have always wanted. Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign? If you have all of your adult teeth, and your smile is compromised by crowding, uneven spacing, overbite, underbite, or other issues, you may be an excellent candidate for Invisalign. How Does Invisalign Work? Invisalign® uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gently realign teeth. During your visit, A 3-D model of your teeth is taken using digital imaging and impressions. Once your custom-crafted aligners are ready, you will wear them for about 22 hours a day. You can remove your aligners during meals, or when brushing. Every two weeks, you will move on to the next mouthpiece in the series, which will gently guide your teeth closer to proper alignment. Benefits of Invisalign Invisalign is virtually undetectable. Invisalign aligners can be removed for eating and brushing. This means you can continue enjoying all the sticky, chewy foods you love. Since your mouthpieces require no tightening or other adjustments, you can expect to spend far less time in the dentist’s chair. You can expect to achieve the desired results in the same amount of time that traditional braces would require. Invisalign straightens teeth and enhances your smile with little effect on your everyday life. Schedule a Consultation Today We believe each of our patients deserves straight, uniform teeth and a beautiful smile, regardless of their age. We can help you weigh the benefits of Invisalign and braces during a consultation. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about which type of orthodontics is right for you.

Preventive Dentistry

At THE LIFE ROOTS, we provide preventive dentistry services for patients in Ernakulam. These services include a combination of daily at-home oral hygiene habits as well as regular dental cleanings and check-ups at our Maradu office to keep your smile healthy and strong. Unfortunately, many people neglect proper dental care. If left undetected, tooth decay and deterioration can lead to necessary restorative treatments such as dental implants and crowns or a full mouth reconstruction. If not diagnosed early, gum disease can lead to serious health issues like heart disease and stroke. Preventive dentistry is an important component of protecting your total oral health and avoiding costly future dental repairs.

Dental Implants

Are you looking for a permanent solution to missing teeth? Depending on your unique situation, dental implants from the best dental implant center in Ernakulam, THE LIFE ROOTS in tripunithura be the best choice as these restorations look and function just like your natural teeth. Implants are often used as a preferred alternative to bridges, partial dentures and complete dentures. The implant itself is an artificial tooth root made of titanium. We insert it into the jawbone to replace the root of your natural tooth. An artificial tooth (or pontic) is then attached to the implant, which serves as an anchor and holds your new tooth in place. With dental implants from THE LIFE ROOTS you can eat, drink, talk and laugh with confidence. You will also regain confidence in the look of your smile. Dental implants not only restore appearance, they’re also designed to preserve the shape and unique contours of your face. Implants are the closest option to your natural teeth and designed to last a lifetime, much longer than dental crowns or bridges. Dental implants provide peace of mind for your day-to-day activities as you don’t have to worry about them becoming loose or falling out. You also don’t have to worry about people noticing your dental appliance as you would with dentures. Being one the best dental implant center in Ernakulam we provide super cool solution for your dental issues. Ours is one of the most efficient teams doing the same. In short, once the implant is bonded to your jawbone, we will place anchors in your gums and then finish the procedure by placing your artificial tooth. The entire process should take around 6 to 8 months. There is limited disruption to your daily lifestyle and the end result is a completely functional, long lasting restoration and a beautiful smile.

Oral Surgery & Wisdom Teeth Extraction

At THE LIFE ROOTS, the best dental implant center in Ernakulam, Dr. FARHEEN RASHIK excels at providing dental care to patients in need of wisdom teeth extraction. The removal of wisdom teeth is necessary for many patients as the jaw is too small to hold them. Your dental health is then compromised as wisdom teeth can force other teeth out of alignment and damage your bite. In many cases, wisdom teeth will not erupt fully through the gum and are not in a normal position. This may cause crowding of tooth roots and the aforementioned alignment and bite problems. Surgery to extract wisdom teeth is usually the best course of action. If your wisdom tooth has fully erupted through the gum, we can perform a standard tooth extraction. Otherwise, an impacted tooth extraction technique is used.


Improve the look of your smile and your health as well with orthodontic treatment in maradu from THE LIFE ROOTS. A common procedure for children, we are pleased to provide options for patients of all ages. If you have issues with misaligned teeth or improper bite, you can benefit from orthodontic treatment. Keep in mind, straight teeth are easier to clean, which reduces the chance of decay. Braces are the most common form of orthodontic appliance and used to straighten teeth and correct bites. Children, teens and adults – anyone with permanent teeth – can be treated with braces. They are often used with other orthodontic appliances used to widen the palate or jaws or to shape your teeth or jaw. The average length of treatment is just over 2 years although your specific treatment time will vary. Fixed Braces Fixed braces are the most commonly needed form of orthodontic treatment. When using this method, we attach brackets (or bands) to each of your teeth with a bonding agent. The arch wires are then fitted into the brackets and typically held in place with rubber or wire ties. Advancements in technology have made braces smaller and less noticeable. You also have the option of tooth-coloured ceramic braces that are less obtrusive than traditional metal braces. Both braces and elastics can be multi-coloured depending on your specific requests. Clear aligners are available for adult patients. Clear Aligners Also known as aligners, removable braces are used when your teeth only need to be moved horizontally. This type of orthodontic care requires a highly motivated patient who will follow a strict regimen. You will wear your removable braces at all times except for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing. In other words, you must be diligent about replacing your aligner several times during the course of the day. If you forget, the length of the treatment time will increase.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Brighten Your Smile at THE LIFE ROOTS. THE LIFE ROOTS can give you the smile you’ve always wanted with a range of cosmetic dentistry services. We have the knowledge, expertise, and resources you can count on to get the results you desire. We can correct the following issues: Spaces between teeth, Chipped or cracked teeth, Crooked teeth, Stained/discolored teeth. Veneers and Teeth Whitening are the most used treatment procedures that come under cosmetic dentistry. Veneers Porcelain veneers can help correct the appearance of stained, chipped, crooked, or poorly spaced teeth. If you have any of these issues, porcelain veneers are a great answer to create the beautiful smile you have always wished for. Being the best dental clinic in Tripunithura/Maradu we have the expert team to make it possible. If you think that your smile may be enhanced or improved with porcelain veneers, please contact us to know more. Teeth Whitening Enhance the brightness of your natural teeth with teeth whitening from THE LIFE ROOTS. Our whitening treatments can last from 2 to 4 months depending on the treatment used and your consumption of food and drinks that can stain teeth such as coffee, tea, and dark colas. Of course, proper oral hygiene will go a long way to keeping your teeth white. But no need to worry, at THE LIFE ROOTS, the best dental clinic in Ernakulam, we have solutions for all your oral hygiene issues

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